<?php function fenchenjifen($usertype = 3, $point) { $affiliate = unserialize($GLOBALS['_CFG']['affiliate']); if ($usertype == 3) { //采购 if ($affiliate['config']['level_register_up']) { $affiliate['config']['level_register_up']/= 100; } $point_cg = round($affiliate['config']['level_register_up'] * intval($point) , 0); return $point_cg; } if ($usertype == 1) { //经销商 if ($affiliate['config']['level_money_all']) { $affiliate['config']['level_money_all']/= 100; } $point_cg = round($affiliate['config']['level_money_all'] * intval($point) , 0); return $point_cg; } if ($usertype == 2) { //财务 if ($affiliate['config']['level_register_all']) { $affiliate['config']['level_register_all']/= 100; } $point_cg = round($affiliate['config']['level_register_all'] * intval($point) , 0); return $point_cg; } } /** * * @param undefined $order 订单信息 * @param undefined $buyuser 购买者信息 * @param undefined $integral 计算积分 * $type = 1 增加 $type=-1 撤销 * 分成log状态99 */ function fun_fencheng_change($order, $buyuser, $integral = array() , $type = 1) { //店铺分成计算 if (intval($order['parent_shopid']) == 0) return false; if (!is_array($buyuser)) return false; $order_id = $order['order_id']; $separate_by = 99; switch ($buyuser['usertype']) { case '0': //购买者类型 $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("SELECT * from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " u " . " WHERE u.shopid =" . $order['parent_shopid'] . " and u.usertype=1"); //获取pid $up_uid = $row['user_id']; if (!empty($up_uid) && $up_uid > 0) { $money = $point = 0; $point = fenchenjifen(1, $integral['custom_points']); // $info = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['separate_info'], $order['order_sn'], $money, $point); $info = "订单" . $order['order_sn'] . "分成获得积分:" . $point; log_account_change($up_uid, $money, 0, ($type) * $point, ($type) * $point, $info); //var_dump($info); if ($type == 1) { write_affiliate_log1($order_id, $up_uid, $row['user_name'], $money, $point, $separate_by); } else { rollback_affiliate_log($order_id); } $orderupdate['is_separate'] = $type == 1 ? $separate_by : 0; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') , $orderupdate, 'UPDATE', "order_id = '$order_id'"); } break; case '3': $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT u.shopid,u.user_id,u.usertype, u.user_name FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " u " . " WHERE u.shopid= " . $order['parent_shopid'] . " and u.usertype in (1,2)"); foreach ($row as $val) { // 经销商和财务获得分成 if ($val['usertype'] == 1) { $pointf = fenchenjifen(1, $integral['custom_points']); } if ($val['usertype'] == 2) { $pointf = fenchenjifen(2, $integral['custom_points']); } $up_uid = $val['user_id']; //$info = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['separate_info'], $order['order_sn'], $money, $pointf); $info = "订单" . $order['order_sn'] . "分成获得积分:" . $pointf; log_account_change($up_uid, $money, 0, ($type) * $pointf, ($type) * $pointf, $info); if ($type == 1) { write_affiliate_log1($order_id, $up_uid, $val['user_name'], $money, $pointf, $separate_by); } else { rollback_affiliate_log($order_id); } $orderupdate['is_separate'] = $type == 1 ? $separate_by : 0; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') , $orderupdate, 'UPDATE', "order_id = '$order_id'"); } break; } return true; } /** * * @param undefined $oid * @param undefined $uid * @param undefined $username * @param undefined $money * @param undefined $point * @param undefined $separate_by * 写入订单分成 log */ function write_affiliate_log1($oid, $uid, $username, $money, $point, $separate_by) { $time = gmtime(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('affiliate_log') . "( order_id, user_id, user_name, time, money, point, separate_type)" . " VALUES ( '$oid', '$uid', '$username', '$time', '$money', '$point', $separate_by)"; if ($oid) { $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } } //撤销订单分成 function rollback_affiliate_log($order_id, $falg = - 2) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('affiliate_log') . " SET separate_type = '$falg'" . " WHERE order_id = '$order_id'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); }
需要注意的点:后台发货程序在admin / order . php需要修改的地方有:发货866行,取消发货1035行改为未发货3961行退货4132行。本代码只计算分成部分。自己下单部分另外。这个代码是按照店铺ID分成,多商户的。为ecshop二次开发版。无法用于原版。调用分成:fun_fencheng_change($order, $user, $integral, 1);
取消分成:fun_fencheng_change($order, $user, $integral, -1);