YII 操作数据库的三种方式
下面给大家介绍一个简单的YII 操作数据库的三种方式,一个就明白 了。
Getting data from a database
Most applications today use databases. Be it a small website or a social network, at least some parts are powered by databases. Yii introduces three ways which allow you to work with databases:
Active Record
Query builder
<?php class DbController extends Controller { protected function afterAction($action) { $time = sprintf('%0.5f', Yii::getLogger()->getExecutionTime()); $memory = round(memory_get_peak_usage()/(1024*1024),2)."MB"; echo "Time: $time, memory: $memory"; parent::afterAction($action); } public function actionAr() { $actors = Actor::model()->findAll(array('with' => 'films', 'order' => 't.first_name, t.last_name, films.title')); echo '<ol>'; foreach($actors as $actor) { echo '<li>'; echo $actor->first_name.' '.$actor->last_name; echo '<ol>'; foreach($actor->films as $film) { echo '<li>'; echo $film->title; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; } public function actionQueryBuilder() { $rows = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->from('actor') ->join('film_actor', 'actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id') ->leftJoin('film', 'film.film_id=film_actor.film_id') ->order('actor.first_name, actor.last_name, film.title') ->queryAll(); $this->renderRows($rows); } public function actionSql() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM actor a JOIN film_actor fa ON fa.actor_id = a.actor_id JOIN film f ON fa.film_id = f.film_id ORDER BY a.first_name, a.last_name, f.title"; $rows = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); $this->renderRows($rows); } public function renderRows($rows) { $lastActorName = null; echo '<ol>'; foreach($rows as $row) { $actorName = $row['first_name'].' '.$row['last_name']; if($actorName!=$lastActorName){ if($lastActorName!==null){ echo '</ol>'; echo '</li>'; } $lastActorName = $actorName; echo '<li>'; echo $actorName; echo '<ol>'; } echo '<li>'; echo $row['title']; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; } } ?>